• 62-64 High Street
    WA12 9SH
  • Call Us
    01925 220486

  • Open Hours
    Mon - Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM


What are dentures?
Dentures are removable teeth that can replace some (partial denture) or all (complete denture) of your natural teeth. A well-made denture can be truly life changing, improving the appearance of your teeth and facial profile, whilst restoring function to help you enjoy your food, drink and life!

What if I need teeth removing?
Dentures can often be made prior to tooth removal and fitted at the same appointment as the tooth/teeth being extracted.

What type of dentures can we provide? We provide NHS acrylic (a type of plastic) partial and complete dentures, as well as a variety of private options depending on your needs and desires.

Private options available The private dentures we make consist of more cosmetic and natural appearing denture teeth, and can be made of a variety of different materials.

Flexible dentures
Often a great solution for small gaps, discreet clasps can be used. Some prefer the semi-flexible feel to these dentures compared to acrylic. Can even sometimes be used to replace large amounts of teeth.


Chrome dentures
Chrome dentures consist of plastic teeth attached to a metal framework. Due to its increased strength, this frame work can be made much thinner than acrylic dentures, and can also be made without covering your palate, allowing you to enjoy your food. Metal clasps are often incorporated to improve the fit of your denture.

Cosmetic dentures
We can make highly realistic and natural acrylic dentures that provide life like teeth and gums that will blend seamlessly with your smile. The high level of customisation, allows us to tailor the denture to your requests, from the perfect Hollywood smile to a more natural lived in look.